Lighting Technology and Lighting Planning

Without Lights, it's just Radio

The list of all our successful projects in lighting technology and lighting planning is a long one. Lighting makes all the difference. Light creates space. There’s so much more to light than flipping a switch. So what exactly makes that difference? Well, it’s all about the creative use of lighting technology: lighting design.

Which lighting design is right for you? 

What would U2’s stage performances be without a wicked light show where artists, stage, images and music all come together in a single work of perfect harmony? How to set a car in motion by using nothing more than columns of light? How can a space be transformed? How can lighting be used to enhance media images and sequences? Lighting sets the stage, provides accents, intensifies effects, dramatizes scenes. Lighting creates motion, radiance, atmosphere. Lighting changes perspectives. What would you like lighting to do for you?

Lighting Planning and Lighting Design

  • Combination and interaction of media and lighting technology
  • Equipment connection and control
  • Development and programming of end-user interfaces
  • Support throughout, from planning to on-site technical implementation
  • Planning and selection based on energy efficiency and life cycle for individual purposes 
  • Daylight and artificial lighting effects
Service Consulting Realization Design Visuali- zation Analysis Concept Organi- zation Follow-upProject Planning Technology Audio Video Lighting Event IT Digital Interaction Rigging Set & CustomConstruction Logistics Stage Construction Stagingyour vision
Service Analysis Planning Consulting Concept Design Realization Organi- zation Follow-upProject Visuali- zation Technology Audio Event IT Lighting Rigging Logistics Digital Interaction Video Stage Construction Set & CustomConstruction Stagingyour vision