Taking it seriously

Analysis, Consulting, Planning, Realization, Support

The high quality of our assignments is assured by the technology we deploy – but also, and primarily, by the services we provide. We’re on your side at every stage, from initial consultation to the planning phase and final realization of your project. Every one of our projects contains the essence of our time, our brains and our heart and soul. And that’s just the way we love to work.

Analysis, Consulting and Concept

We’re great listeners. And we ask all the right questions. We treat our customers as equals. After all, our overriding goal is to get the very best result for you – by exploiting every area of potential, scrutinizing traditional approaches, offering options, making the most of existing synergies, guaranteeing absolute certainty, always having your back, and devising the optimum solution. And when we have it, we present it to you.

Planning, Design and Visualization

The phase that sets the project on course for success. Our experts scrutinize every detail. Each department at LIMELIGHT has its own specialist planners, who advise whether form should follow function or vice versa. Using simulations and pre-programming, we can then give you a preview of what your project could look like, saving you time and money.

Organization and Realization

Project Management has all threads of communication firmly under control and oversees the various disciplines working hand in hand in the background. Because we build in plenty of flexibility, we stay cool and calm as we respond to changes. And we’re happy to take a back seat– with a smile.

Follow-up Project

Our customers come back to us again and again. Why? Because their projects run smoothly and successfully, the mood is upbeat and the bill never throws them any unpleasant surprises.

Service Consulting Realization Design Visuali- zation Analysis Concept Organi- zation Follow-upProject Planning Technology Audio Video Lighting Event IT Digital Interaction Rigging Set & CustomConstruction Logistics Stage Construction Stagingyour vision
Service Analysis Planning Consulting Concept Design Realization Organi- zation Follow-upProject Visuali- zation Technology Audio Event IT Lighting Rigging Logistics Digital Interaction Video Stage Construction Set & CustomConstruction Stagingyour vision