Daily rates for our specialists

We aim to supply top-class equipment and top-qualified personnel. Our specialists complete ongoing training and further qualifications to ensure they reach the highest levels in all their fields.

A working day comprises a maximum of nine working hours with an additional one-hour break. Surcharges apply to work performed between 11 pm and 6 am and on Sundays and public holidays.

As at January 2023


Function Daily rate
Media technology  
Media technology project lead 780
Media server operator 850
Image mixer 730
Systems technician 
(E2, Watchout)
(LED, projection, camera)
Camera operator 580
Camera assistant 490
Sound engineer (desk) 680
Systems technician 
(Intercom, network)
Technician 640
Assistant 490
Event IT  
Event IT admin 1050
Event IT technician 700
Software programming 1500
Lighting designer 780
Chief lighting technician/gaffer 730
Lighting operator 720
Systems technician (dimmer,
network, moving lights)
Technician 640
Assistant 450
Headrigger 780
Rigger SIL 3 780
Rigger 700
Grounder 680
Planer:in und Projektleiter:in 780
Meister:in Veranstaltungstechnik 910
Veranstaltungstechniker:in 640
Helfer:in 450
Logistiker:in 550
LKW-Fahrer:in 450
Service Consulting Realization Design Visuali- zation Analysis Concept Organi- zation Follow-upProject Planning Technology Audio Video Lighting Event IT Digital Interaction Rigging Set & CustomConstruction Logistics Stage Construction Stagingyour vision
Service Analysis Planning Consulting Concept Design Realization Organi- zation Follow-upProject Visuali- zation Technology Audio Event IT Lighting Rigging Logistics Digital Interaction Video Stage Construction Set & CustomConstruction Stagingyour vision