Stage construction by experts

The stage is yours

We work with you to decide what kind of stage best suits your needs. Is a custom design the right direction to aim for? Can we use existing elements? Does the project concern a flexible multi-use design or an extension to an existing stage? The stage is the foundation of the overall experience. It needs to be robust enough and spacious enough for your needs, whether they involve a speaker in Hyde Park or a Nik West bass performance. Every message needs its own unique stage.

Stage and seating stand design

  • Planning and implementation of stage and seating stand designs (in compliance with legal specifications)
  • Substructures and suspension systems, e.g. for stage back walls, projection and sound systems, and LED walls and constructions of all kinds, including outdoor and roofed designs 
  • Turntables/raised platforms
  • Development of own transport and logistics solutions
  • Consulting on safety-related issues
Service Consulting Realization Design Visuali- zation Analysis Concept Organi- zation Follow-upProject Planning Technology Audio Video Lighting Event IT Digital Interaction Rigging Set & CustomConstruction Logistics Stage Construction Stagingyour vision
Service Analysis Planning Consulting Concept Design Realization Organi- zation Follow-upProject Visuali- zation Technology Audio Event IT Lighting Rigging Logistics Digital Interaction Video Stage Construction Set & CustomConstruction Stagingyour vision