Video technology is our passion

Image is everything

In our humble opinion, a show stage without moving images isn’t much of a show.  Images provide emphasis and accentuation, present brand worlds, entrance and entice, give guidance, tell stories. Video technology is a core constituent of everything a stage needs. We’ll project images onto cars plunging from heights of 24 meters – if that’s what our customers want.

LED Wall, Projection, Mapping? Images touch the soul

When you see moving images run across 100-meter screens at a trade show, and visitors watching entranced – there are six people in the background making it all happen. These media technicians, WATCHOUT operators and lighting operators monitor 50 screens for 11 hours a day. We’re obsessed with powerful visions, and always find ways of bringing them to life in images that inspire their target groups. We create quality content for you and present it in the ideal medium for you to reach and engage everyone in your target audience.

VIDEOTECHNIK mieten aus München

  • LED-Wände, Displays und Projektionen in allen Größen und Auflösungen
  • Live-Kameraübertragung mit Bildregie in HD und UHD mit Streaming
  • Installationen mit interaktiven Bedienelementen
  • Softedge und 360°-Projektionen
  • 4K-Großbildprojektoren mit passender Zuspieltechnik
  • Programmieren von Medienservern und komplexen Steuerungsabläufen
  • 3D-Mapping auf bewegte Objekte
  • Kinetische Systeme mit bewegten Displays und LED-Modulen
  • Vorproduktion und Contentprogrammierung
Service Consulting Realization Design Visuali- zation Analysis Concept Organi- zation Follow-upProject Planning Technology Audio Video Lighting Event IT Digital Interaction Rigging Set & CustomConstruction Logistics Stage Construction Stagingyour vision
Service Analysis Planning Consulting Concept Design Realization Organi- zation Follow-upProject Visuali- zation Technology Audio Event IT Lighting Rigging Logistics Digital Interaction Video Stage Construction Set & CustomConstruction Stagingyour vision